About Chesty Puller MCL 269

image The oldest active detachment in the Department of Ohio. Correspondence for the detachment can be mailed to: The Chesty Puller Detachment #269, Inc. c/o Dennis Antonino 929 Independence Ave, Akron Ohio 44310 Or you can email our newsletter "The Scuttlebutt" at scuttlebutt@chestypullermcl269.org

Our Marine Corps League meetings are intended to keep our members informed on all operational levels of our League as well as in our community. We are dedicated to foster the spirit and to preserve the rich traditions of the U.S. Marine Corps while offering fellowship, citizenship, and historic truths to our membership.

We promote the ideal of American freedom and democracy in all that we do.

Meeting Information

Meeting Date and Time:
Second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 7:30PM

Meeting Address:
1601 Front Street
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221-4709

Charter Date: 1972